

Enrollment verifications allow students to verify their degree and enrollment at the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney. The verifications can be obtained via MyBLUE and through the National Student Clearinghouse.  If a student has questions about their enrollment and/or degree verification they should contact the Office of the University 注册商 at unkregistrar@keramicke-plocice.net.  



Current students may obtain an enrollment verification of current and/or past enrollment free of charge through MyBLUE.

  • Click the Enrollment tab in the left-hand menu and select “注册验证.”
  • Select the information and the term you would like included on your 注册验证 Letter. 选择“查看报告”按钮.  (Note: this will take a few minutes to process.)

Further instruction on how to request an enrollment verification in MyBLUE.

The 注册验证 Letter will be generated in PDF that the student can print and provide to the requestor.  These printed letters have the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney official seal and are considered official.

The 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment verifications and degree verifications.


Verifications of enrollment are available on the official transcript.  For information on how to request an official transcript.  请浏览 申请成绩单政策 页面.

An enrollment verification certificate can also be requested through the National Student Clearinghouse using their fee-based 注册验证 服务.


Third party agencies or employers requesting verification of a current or former student enrollment or degree complete should request this information directly through the National Student Clearinghouse using their 验证服务 然后选择“现在验证”.”

MyHub is a centralized and secure online destination where learners can access all their academic enrollment records from multiple institutions that participate with the National Student Clearinghouse.

MyHub is available to use as a current student and as an alumni.


  • Download and print enrollment certificates for current and previous terms
  • 索取电子成绩单
  • 查看您的数码文凭*
  • View Enrollment and Degree information reported to the National Student Clearinghouse from previously attended institutions that participate in Myhub
  • View Credentials earned on Credly or Badgr

*Digital Diplomas are available on MyHub for those that graduated Spring 2024 and after. 

Creating a MyHUB Account for 当前的学生

  • 登录BLUE
  • 在“工具”菜单下选择“MyHub”.”
  • Use your campus credentials to login (you will be prompted to DUO authenticate).

Creating a MyHub Account for 以前的学生

  • 访问 MyHub.org and click on the Create Account link in the top-right corner.
    • Since your MyHub account will be accessible as an alumni, it is recommended to create your account through Google or LinkedIn. Please note the email address you use to sign up cannot be changed.
    • If you would like to make an account through your student university information, search for 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney in the top box and hit Continue to follow the additional prompts.

    MyHub uses Multi-Factor Authentication
    During your initial login to MyHub, you will be prompted to set up multifactor authentication. You must set up at least one multifactor authentication option to complete account set up and access Clearinghouse 服务s.

    The multifactor authentication options available include:
    • Google Authenticator (required to download the Google Authenticator mobile app)
    • SMS Authentication (required to provide phone number capable of receiving SMS text messages)
    • 电子邮件 Authentication (the email address registered with your account is defaulted to receive this code and cannot be changed).
